So within the challenge league there are challenges for each quarter on top of the monthly challenges.This was the first quarter of 2021 Q1 seasonal: spring spirit. Q1: diorama: nativity gift.this was done as a christmas gift but since covid made it hard to get it to the person I wanted to, I was able…
February RCL entries
As with last month, I participated in the reaper challenge league. First was my duo with Mint rose. Next up was my trio with BetteHime and clavicus81. she painted the fresh catch in the bucket and gave me that pic also to post. “filth beast” aka poop monster. I painted him as my “scales and…
January RCL entries
“shelf of shame” With 2020 being over, I felt my toilet paper mimic needed to get the hell off my desk! “new release”The exciting first BonesUSA model. has the bendability of soft plastics but details of resin AND will take any primer now! This was sent out for free with all reaper orders of $40…
Reaper Challenge League
Reaper challenge league is a for fun “contest” where each month and quarter we take on a few different challenges. Started by Jon Overton of reaper miniatures.Each category may be submitted 1 time per cycle. Extras do not count towards your points. Each points counts as a raffle ticket and the draw a winner at…
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