recently the folks at privateer press have had some different looking models coming out. So they now have been using this translucent resin. it is hard to tell if the details are there but after priming I found it had excellent details! Initially I had concerns as PP’s metals tend to be bendy, with…
WILL HAS SPOKEN! Drawing inspiration from kaiju, I painted him as a monsterous hybrid of dragon and alligator. yes, that is a water base yes, that is duckweed!
Colors of blackwater congregation
Mostly when painting for blackwater, my own little pocket of immoren, I stick to blacks and browns, any leathers would be dark in color as they are often partially ruined from floodwaters. Any feralgeists can vary with no uniform style to them anything from glowing green to piles of discarded gore from gatorman hunting camps….
Croak raiders
tihis Like the rest of my gators my frogs are based on more louisiana wildlife.. the american bullfrog, froglegs are a popular food where I am from… This is a WIP picture before I added cypress knees to them, but it is a good shot of my OSL(object source lighting) More pictures to come later
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