All those ripe berries were irresistible to your hungry army as they marched. Now that the battle is joined, they are paying the price. Fighting a battle while your digestive system is in turmoil beyond the abilities of some soldiers. The more exertion our soldiers make, the more those damned berries are causing havoc among them. Your scouts have told you that they have found a remedy. But, question is, can you get to it in time?
Eliminate as much of your opponent’s army as possible while
keeping your own army intact.
Table Set up and Deployments: Normal deployment rules. Along the center line of
the table between the two players, 6 inches in from each table edge place a
single standard base. These represent magical urns described below.
Special Rules/Notes:
At the BEGINNING of each game turn, including the first,
each player must apply damage to his own army equal to whatever game turn it
is. 1 point on turn 1, 5 points on turn 5, etc.. No more than one hit may be
assigned to a model per turn. Each player decides where to place the hits on
his own army. This damage ignores any SA that prevents it, such as Damage
Reduction or Displacement. If a player does not have as many models on the
table as the amount of damage they should receive, ignore any extra points and
follow the max per model of 1 point.
During its activation, a model in base to base with a magical urn may use a
free action to heal themselves a single point. Only a single model per
activation may do this. Between both Urns, they can only produce the same
number of healing points per turn as the turn number. That is healing at either
Urn affects how many points both Urns have left to heal. 1 point on turn 1, 5
points on turn 5. The Urns cannot be moved. Models must be grounded (not flying
or burrowed) to be able to be in BTB contact with an Urn.
At the end of the game, each player divides the
total number of points worth of enemy models killed by 100, rounding to the
nearest whole number, to find out the number of Scenario Points earned for
kills (max 10). If all enemy models were killed, but their army did not add up
to a complete 1000 points, you still receive the full 10 Scenario Points for this
Additionally, each player divides the total number of points worth of friendly
models that survived by 100, rounding to the nearest whole number, to find out
the number of Scenario Points earned for survivors (max 10). If all friendly
models survived, but your army did not add up to a complete 1000 points, you
still receive the full 10 Scenario Points for this section.
Scenario pulled from a webarchive grab of this now dead site.